There had been a long line of transgressions in Jake's recent past: his failure to complete simple tasks in exchange for free room and board, the fist he had smashed into my windshield during a night of drunken revelry, his hanging out with crack-smoking degenerates at the Traveller's Inn in Inglewood, etc. Finally I had had enough and subjected him to a brutal attack featuring blows to the head, rear naked chokes, triangle chokes, mounted lion chokes, the dreaded leg scissors, and a multiplicity of other tortures..
Join www.JackOffLand.com to see the entire brutal gallery now!
- XXOO Tanya
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Join www.JackOffLand.com to see the entire brutal gallery now!
- XXOO Tanya
www.PennysaverDomains.com - Cheapest domain registrations on the Net!
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