It had been awhile since Carolyn Monroe and I had hung out together. Still, she'd been over to my place at least a thousand times before and it seemed unnecessary for her to ask why I have silver tinsel decorating my table lamp. Not only did it seem unnecessary, it actually appeared that the question might have been intended as a pointed insult. Here I'd been expecting Carolyn to relax and swill a few beers with me, and instead I found myself fielding queries about my furniture. I'm not a decorator. I didn't even put that tinsel there for effect. Somehow it ended up on the lamp after a drunken night of debauchery when I was dancing around with the shade on my head. Carolyn knew that already. Was she trying to make me feel self-conscious about my excessive drinking? Why would she attempt the impossible? Who cared anyways? I was already one sixpack into my evening and a little liquid courage always helps when you have the inclination to bash someone's head into your industrial carpet. Know what I mean?
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- XXOO Tanya
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- XXOO Tanya
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