Allowing someone to tie you up is an act of trust. I like to have sex when I am tied up. Jewell and I often combine passion and sexplay when we are together. The other day I made a horrible misjudgment when I let her bind me with crimson rope just two days after we had had a nasty fight. I thought she had gotten over our differences and was ready to move forward. She was so sweet when she began kissing me and whispering how she wanted to make me feel good after she tied me up. By the time I noticed the malignant gleam in her eye it was too late. I was already gagged and completely restrained by the crimson rope..
You can see the full "Crimson Rope" gallery at my archive site www.JackOffLand.com now!
- XXOO Tanya
You can see the full "Crimson Rope" gallery at my archive site www.JackOffLand.com now!
- XXOO Tanya
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